Wednesday, July 29, 2009

:) Much better

So the second day here was much better. Kristen lent me a pair of socks and Kat lent me a pair of pants so I was relatively clean and feeling more human. Even better, I got my bag back!!!! The hotel next door let me have AA drop the bag off with them and then I picked it up. I'm much happier. (and will soon be much cleaner!)

That having been said I should probably explain what exactly it is I do in Panama. I and my partner (recently Kris) walk out into the forest and whenever we find a lizard we do four things: 1) film it for 10 minutes, 2) walk toward it and record how close it let us get and how far it ran away from us, 3) get data on where it was sitting and what it was doing when we found it and 4) try to catch it to bring it back for Anthony to measure, get diet and take pictures of. (I know -- hanging preposition. I don't care.)

This morning Kris and I went for a killer hike. We walked up to the observation tower to measure the distance that the gecko had glided the day before. We then tried a path neither of us had taken before. This resulted in very little lizard spotting and a lot of blindly following a path of orange flagging tape up and down several VERY steep hills. We got to presumably near the end before turning back because we had no idea where we were. To get to this path we had to climb a staircase which rivals that of most ancient temples (think the Mayan -- or Aztec?-- stairs they threw their human sacrifices down), except that this staircase probably had more moss. Those of you who know me well would be proud of how well I did on these steep slopes but it was a lot of fun.

The afternoon was more productive -- got the bag! and caught a couple of lizards and filmed more. We also saw a toucan and several other birds.

Now it's time for dinner. I hope tomorrow will bring more nature accounts now that the bag saga is over.

Also, the ATM now works!

- I am much happier and now in the posession of cash and a bag.
- Saw a bunch of lizards and a toucan
- Scrambled up and down some very steep slopes

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